Course Scheduling
Current MHS Students (Grades 9-11): In February, MHS students are given information and instructions at school regarding course selection and scheduling for the following school year. Students and their parents/guardians are asked to review the course information together, complete and sign the course selection form, and then return the course selection sheet to school within the designated time frame. Students and families are encouraged to contact the Student Services Office with questions about high school courses and future education and career plans.
Incoming Freshmen (Grade 8): Counselors visit Monroe Middle School to present information to eighth-grade students about future course selection at MHS.
Course Information Night - MHS offers information to parents and/or guardians of current MHS students and incoming 8th graders at Course Information Night in February regarding classes at MHS for the following school year, presentations about specific high school opportunities and school expectations.
Monroe High School’s classroom schedule is based on the course requests students make during spring registration. When a student’s course selection is finalized, a series of commitments on the part of the school is made. Course selection, therefore, is extremely important and should be considered as much a commitment on the part of the student as it is the school. Students are urged to consult with parents, course instructors, and counselors before making course selections. Some schedule changes may need a parent and/or teacher signature. Changes that may need a signature could include dropping a core course, requesting a change of teacher or adding/dropping specific elective courses.
Schedules may be adjusted at the end of the school year and during the summer for the following reasons:
Student fails a required class and needs to make up the credit
Due to a schedule conflict the student needs to make another choice
Student wishes to add a seventh or eighth class
Evidence of scheduling error/computer error
Student has an incomplete schedule
Requests for a schedule change do not automatically equate to a schedule change being approved.
Schedules will NOT be adjusted for the following reasons:
• Student wishes to drop a course due to changing their mind.
• Change of schedule because of personal preference of lunch, study hall, or use of RP time.