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The purpose of AFS Club is to have fun making international friendships through planning activities with our exchange students at MHS. Members get to know our exchange students who are studying in Monroe for the entire year, many from the AFS exchange program. Students share American culture and learn about other cultures. There are opportunities to host an exchange students or travel to live and study in another country for the summer, a semester, or a year! AFS is a non-profit international exchange program with 40 participating countries worldwide.
How to become involved: Who can join? Anyone ♦ When does AFS Club meet? Third Thursday of each month at 7:40am in Y05 ♦Do I have to pay dues? NO! Just help with our fundraiser in the winter. ♦Do I have to host or travel if I join? Absolutely not! Just come to our meetings and get-togethers and make new internationally-minded friends ♦ How do I join? Come to our meetings or see one of the advisors
Activities: Pizza in the Park ♦ Haunted Forest Field Trip ♦ Ice Skating & Sledding ♦Trampoline Park ♦ Game Nights, Movie Nights, etc.♦ Zoo Trip ♦ Ice Cream Socials
Advisor: Mr. Dickson