Curriculum and Instruction:
Monroe Middle School uses the following curriculums that align with Common Core State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards:
- StudySync
- CPM (College Preparatory Math)
- FOSS (Full Option Science System)
- TCI (Teacher’s Curriculum Institute)
Monroe Middle School students currently have a six period day in our normal schedule. We run courses in a trimester format. These periods include required classes and electives.
All students are required to take certain classes as part of their school career. Elective course choices will increase as you move through your middle school years. All courses are 53 minutes long Monday - Thursday, and are 39 minutes on Friday.
In addition to our required and elective courses, all students start each day Monday-Thursday, in a 35 minute homeroom class that focuses on a variety of activities that include: school expectations and culture, equity, teambuilding, literacy and book love, social emotional learning, and fun.
The School District of Monroe follows a Response to Intervention (RtI) or Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework including both academic achievement and social-emotional learning that focuses on early interventions, a tiered system of interventions, and consistent monitoring of data to measure the effectiveness of our curriculum and instruction.
Tier 1--Core Instruction
All students receive Tier 1 instruction through their required and elective courses.
Tier 2--Targeted Intervention
Academics All students have a 30 minute intervention (FLEX) period each day that allows staff to request students for additional instruction and support in their content areas based on classroom and assessment data. Students identified as needing more instruction and support in ELA and Math are pulled for two FLEX periods per week in a five week cycle with their classroom teacher. These student groups are flexible at the end of each cycle and will be determined by new classroom and assessment data.
Behaviors We also identify students who need additional support in social emotional skills based on office discipline referral (ODR) data, grade level team meetings data, BESS screener data, as well as recommendations based on teacher feedback and observational data. These students identified as needing additional support are enrolled in various behavior academies and social emotional interventions.
Tier 3--Intensive Intervention
Academics Students identified as needing intensive instruction and support based on classroom and assessment data, will be placed in either an intervention skinny or full class based upon need. Students scheduled into a skinny intervention will work with an interventionist during half of an elective class period. Students scheduled into a full class intervention will work with an interventionist for an entire elective class period. These student groups are flexible by trimester and will be determined by recent assessment data.
Behaviors Students who need intensive instruction in social emotional and behavioral skills will be identified based on ODR data, attendance, and progress monitoring data from tier 2 interventions. These students identified as needing more intensive intervention will be enrolled in individualized counseling or referred to our school based mental health (SBMH) program to receive more individualized support.